30th Novemeber 2016 Cambridge RFC 7.30pm
Dear All,
Northampton Saints offer their last coach education session for this half of the season. In some ways this is the most important session of the year as it gives coaches and referees a chance to understand the reasons things are happening in the game, what is being coached, what is being refereed and what are the interpretations. We are asking all referees and coaches to register for this event. If we do not commit to helping understand each other the game will not evolve as smoothly as it should.
The evening will be a 2 way debate hosted by Jon Curry, Wayne Barnes and Sean Davey.
Please remember to register your interest with Katharine Burrows who will confirm your place via email.
Katharine Burrows
Academy and Medical Administrator
Northampton Rugby Football Club Ltd
Franklin's Gardens, Weedon Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN5 5BG
Email: KatharineBurrows@northamptonsaints.co.uk
Office: 01604 751 543
Tickets: 01604 581 000
Website: www.northamptonsaints.co.uk
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