If you used Rugbyfirst this is for you -
The RFU's Game Management System (GMS) replaces RugbyFirst in August and training for the new system for clubs in Eastern Counties will be as follows:
CAMBRIDGESHIRE - Tuesday 2 September (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge)
• From 1pm to 6pm there will be five x one hour drop in clinics available for people to come and talk to the system trainers about the new systems and any specific issues
• From 7.30-9.30pm there will be a two hour workshop delivered by RFU trainers (buffet available from 6:30pm)
SUFFOLK - Thursday 3RD September (University Campus Suffolk, Ipswich)
• From 6:30pm-8:30pm there will be a two hour workshop delivered by Eastern Counties RDOs and volunteers (buffet available from 6pm)
NORFOLK - Wednesday 4TH September (Wymondham RFC)
• From 1pm to 6pm there will be five x one hour drop in clinics available for people to come and talk to the system trainers about the new systems and any specific issues
• From 7.30-9.30pm there will be a two hour workshop by RFU trainers (buffet available from 6:30pm)
Please send your booking request to Lisa Greetham at lisagreetham@btconnect.com no later than 25th August 2014. Please state which venue you want to attend, and if you are going to the Cambridgeshire or Norfolk venues, which time slot:
o 1-2pm
o 2-3pm
o 3-4pm
o 4-5pm
o 5-6pm
o 7:30-9:30pm
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