Retaining volunteers is as important as recruiting volunteers.
It is crucial that clubs not only support volunteers but also ensure they do not burn out, If you lose a volunteer you lose a person, knowledge and capacity.
Clubs should try to ensure at all times that Volunteer are not expected or allowed to hold more than three positions at your club.
Make sure you get quality from them and not look for quantity, try not to put names in roles just to fill them, if you have a gap then highlight it, and look for help.
Keep volunteers happy, give them clear information about their role and what is expected of them, listen to their ideas and concerns, ask how the club can help them.
Make sure to say thank you and well done on a regular basis, nominate volunteers for club recognition, county recognition and perhaps they may receive further awards for their time and effort.
The below are some good practice guides to retaining volunteers.
RFU Retaining Volunteers
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